About John Dade

Community-First Values

About John Dade:

John Dade has been a Buena Park resident for over 30 years. He and his wife Lydia, who was born and raised in Buena Park, have watched the city grow into the entertainment destination it is today.  

John has also watched as Buena Park stumbled and lost its way. John believes it is time to get involved and help Buena Park regain its vision and position as the Center of the Southland.

John Dade for Buena Park City Council District 3
John Dade with Scott Baugh at Register to Vote Event
A Man of the People

John Dade:
TheN & Now

Having grown up in a broken home, John knows the financial and mental challenges that come with that life. Working through high school to help keep food on the table and buy essentials, John completed his education and developed a solid work ethic that took him from a cooks position at a local restaurant to becoming a manager, then successful franchise owner of two locations over a 20 year career. 

John then made a career change and entered the financial arena launching a successful 25 year career as a wealth manager and Licensed Series 3 Financial Professional.
John Dade has been married to his wife Lydia for 33 years and has one son and 2 wonderful grandchildren. One a Marine and one a college freshman. John and his wife enjoy traveling, visiting with the family, relaxing on California’s beaches and exploring the food and micro-brewing experiences found in SoCal.
Hard work, Leadership & Accountability

John Dade:

As your City Council member, John Dade will bring his years of experience in the business and financial world to his position and work at addressing the issues affecting the citizens of Buena Park as well as those confronting the business community. John will work with other council members as well as the law enforcement community to ensure that all the citizens of Buena Park are heard and served.
As a former business owner and active Financial Professional, John Dade knows how to listen, solve problems and make decisions. John has experience working with individuals and groups building relationships and coalitions and achieving positive outcomes. John pledges to bring these skills to his position as your City Councilman and to serve his constituents of District 3, and all the citizens of Buena Park.
John Dade with Cynthia Thacker, Janet Nguyen & Kames Mai at The Lincoln Club New Office Grand Opening
Community-First Values

Individual Rights at the Heart of Governance

The Buena Park City Council has a significant accountability to voters to represent the People’s interests. Policy actions and enforcement thereof must be guided by understanding of effects on the daily lives of citizens both socially and economically. Accountability is essential for building trust between government and citizens and maintaining democracy.

As a City Council member, John Dade will be responsive to the needs and concerns of Buena Park constituents and provide regular updates on progress towards achieving policy priorities. When governments are accountable, citizens have the opportunity to participate in meaningful ways in shaping their society. John Dade will work to ensure that all voices are heard and elected officials are held responsible to justify decisions in the context of community benefit and individual freedoms.

“Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the Government’s purposes are beneficent. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in the insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding.” Justice Louis Brandeis.

The Community-First Candidate for Buena Park District 3

Your Voice for Buena Park

Public Safety

Law enforcement men and women must have the tools needed to address the issues of crime, traffic, and homelessness in our city while keeping Buena Park safe for all residents.

Government Accountability

Government officials answer to The People. All newly proposed projects for the city must be evaluated in terms of impact on city revenues and on the people of Buena Park.

Economic Growth

Attracting more businesses to our city will bring more jobs and better jobs to our city and give leaders the resources to reinvest in much needed infrastructure, parks, and community health resources.

Buena Park Police Department and Civic Center John Dade City Council
Shape your community

Support John Dade

Are you eager to make a difference in your community? Well, now is the perfect time to donate and support John Dade’s campaign for city council!

With his unwavering determination, John will work to re-establish Buena Park as a prosperous haven where every citizen can thrive. By contributing financially, you become an integral part of this movement towards our city’s progress.